Rally 라는 메뉴에서는 자신의 군대가 보유한 영웅을 배치할 수 있습니다. 배치를 할 수 있는 영웅의 수와 소유할 수 있는 영웅의 수가 레벨별로 상이합니다. 제 경험상으로는 미니 워리어스에서 맨 앞쪽에는 몸빵용, 그 뒤에는 마법사, 궁수를 배치하시는게 제일 무난한 방법이긴 하나 상대에 따라서 배치효율은 틀려지실 수 있으니 수 많은 배틀과정에서 자신만의 배치방법을 만드시기 바랍니다.
미니 워리어스 홈페이지에 나와 있는 정보로는 4성급 영웅은 15명이 존재합니다. 아래의 각 레벨별 최대 배치할 수 있는 영웅의 수는 77레벨에 20명입니다. 즉 4성급 영웅 15마리를 영입해도 5명을 더 배치할 수 있다는 얘기인데, 나머지 5명은 3성급에서 채워야 합니다. 저도 아직 게임에 대한 정보가 부족하여 나머지 5명의 3성급 영웅을 누구로 채워야 할지는 모르겠지만, 지금 키우고 있는 3성급 영웅이 이 나머지 다섯 자리를 채울 마지막 3성 영웅이 되길 빕니다.
맨 처음부터 4성급 영웅을 15명 모두 영입해서 한다면 좋겠다만, 현질을 하지 않는 이상 힘들며, 또한 레벨별 영입하고 배치할 수 있는 영웅의 수가 정해져 있기 때문에 아쉽긴 합니다. 처음부터 키운다면 후반에는 나중에 영입하고 배틀에 참가시킨 영웅보다는 조금이라도 레벨이 높을테니까요.
아래의 정보는 미니 워리어스의 홈페이지에 나와 있는 정보를 발췌하였습니다.
What is the Rally for? The Rally is where you can deploy your heroes.
The number of heroes you can deploy depends on your prestige level.
How many heroes can i hire? Underneath you find the max amount of heroes per level.
At prestige lvl 01 - 04, you can hire a max of 11 heroes
At prestige lvl 05 - 08, you can hire a max of 12 heroes
At prestige lvl 09 - 12, you can hire a max of 13 heroes
At prestige lvl 13 - 16, you can hire a max of 14 heroes
At prestige lvl 17 - 20, you can hire a max of 15 heroes
At prestige lvl 21 - 24, you can hire a max of 16 heroes
At prestige lvl 25 - 28, you can hire a max of 17 heroes
At prestige lvl 29 - 32, you can hire a max of 18 heroes
At prestige lvl 33 - 36, you can hire a max of 19 heroes
At prestige lvl 37 - 40, you can hire a max of 20 heroes.
At prestige lvl 41 - 44, you can hire a max of 21 heroes.
At prestige lvl 45 - 48, you can hire a max of 22 heroes.
At prestige lvl 49 - 52, you can hire a max of 23 heroes.
At prestige lvl 53 - 56, you can hire a max of 24 heroes.
At prestige lvl 57 - 60, you can hire a max of 25 heroes.
At prestige lvl 61 - 64, you can hire a max of 26 heroes.
At prestige lvl 65 - 68, you can hire a max of 27 heroes.
At prestige lvl 69 - 72, you can hire a max of 28 heroes.
At prestige lvl 73 - 76, you can hire a max of 29 heroes.
At prestige lvl 77 - 80, you can hire a max of 30 heroes.
How many heroes can i deploy? Underneath you find the max amount of heroes per level deployable.
At prestige lvl 01 - 04, you can deploy a max of 6 heroes
At prestige lvl 05 - 09, you can deploy a max of 7 heroes
At prestige lvl 10 - 14, you can deploy a max of 8 heroes
At prestige lvl 15 - 19, you can deploy a max of 9 heroes
At prestige lvl 20 - 24, you can deploy a max of 10 heroes
At prestige lvl 25 - 29, you can deploy a max of 11 heroes
At prestige lvl 30 - 34, you can deploy a max of 12 heroes
At prestige lvl 35 - 39, you can deploy a max of 13 heroes
At prestige lvl 40 - 44, you can deploy a max of 14 heroes
At prestige lvl 45 - 49, you can deploy a max of 15 heroes.
At prestige lvl 50 - 54, you can deploy a max of 16 heroes.
At prestige lvl 55 - 59, you can deploy a max of 17 heroes.
At prestige lvl 60 - 69, you can deploy a max of 18 heroes.
At prestige lvl 70 - 79, you can deploy a max of 19 heroes.
At prestige lvl 80 - <>, you can deploy a max of 20 heroes.
What is the Rally for?The Rally is where you can deploy your heroes.The number of heroes you can deploy depends on your prestige level.How many heroes can i hire?Underneath you find the max amount of heroes per level.At prestige lvl 01 - 04, you can hire a max of 11 heroes
At prestige lvl 05 - 08, you can hire a max of 12 heroes
At prestige lvl 09 - 12, you can hire a max of 13 heroes
At prestige lvl 13 - 16, you can hire a max of 14 heroes
At prestige lvl 17 - 20, you can hire a max of 15 heroes
At prestige lvl 21 - 24, you can hire a max of 16 heroes
At prestige lvl 25 - 28, you can hire a max of 17 heroes
At prestige lvl 29 - 32, you can hire a max of 18 heroes
At prestige lvl 33 - 36, you can hire a max of 19 heroes
At prestige lvl 37 - 40, you can hire a max of 20 heroes.
At prestige lvl 41 - 44, you can hire a max of 21 heroes.
At prestige lvl 45 - 48, you can hire a max of 22 heroes.
At prestige lvl 49 - 52, you can hire a max of 23 heroes.
At prestige lvl 53 - 56, you can hire a max of 24 heroes.
At prestige lvl 57 - 60, you can hire a max of 25 heroes.
At prestige lvl 61 - 64, you can hire a max of 26 heroes.
At prestige lvl 65 - 68, you can hire a max of 27 heroes.
At prestige lvl 69 - 72, you can hire a max of 28 heroes.
At prestige lvl 73 - 76, you can hire a max of 29 heroes.
At prestige lvl 77 - 80, you can hire a max of 30 heroes.
How many heroes can i deploy?Underneath you find the max amount of heroes per level deployable.At prestige lvl 01 - 04, you can deploy a max of 6 heroes
At prestige lvl 05 - 09, you can deploy a max of 7 heroes
At prestige lvl 10 - 14, you can deploy a max of 8 heroes
At prestige lvl 15 - 19, you can deploy a max of 9 heroes
At prestige lvl 20 - 24, you can deploy a max of 10 heroes
At prestige lvl 25 - 29, you can deploy a max of 11 heroes
At prestige lvl 30 - 34, you can deploy a max of 12 heroes
At prestige lvl 35 - 39, you can deploy a max of 13 heroes
At prestige lvl 40 - 44, you can deploy a max of 14 heroes
At prestige lvl 45 - 49, you can deploy a max of 15 heroes.
At prestige lvl 50 - 54, you can deploy a max of 16 heroes.
At prestige lvl 55 - 59, you can deploy a max of 17 heroes.
At prestige lvl 60 - 69, you can deploy a max of 18 heroes.
At prestige lvl 70 - 79, you can deploy a max of 19 heroes.
At prestige lvl 80 - <>, you can deploy a max of 20 heroes.
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